Dont know why it is like this, BUT ever since i can remember i have tought that scars make a man, strange huh ?
Dont know if its the flicks i watched as a kid or if its just how i think, but i still think that way.
Scars i have plenty, and i havent done em by fault, just accidents and stupid pranks, young and stupid i must say
And theesdays its mostly burns i get all over my body, small once and bigger once, funny thing about burns, they grow, small one can get 3 or 4 times as big as it was when it happend.
Got some stabbing wounds aswell, not from knifes but from sharp objects here at work, once u reached for a chain and got punktured in the right arm by a rusty old metal peice, god damn how much a man can bleed from small wounds. but fingers are the worst i must say, cut mu thumb the other night and damn my glove was filled with the red shit comming from my body (not coolaid)
Sometimes i just fucking wounder if i have very bad luck or if i have very great luck ?
I have been runned over by 2 cars, and one mc, only got an impact in my left tigh from the cycle bar and crutches for 1 week (that was the mc accident) Cars i had no injuries from. I fel from a roof once when we layed the tiles on it (was raining and slippery)
dident hurt myself.
I crashed a snowmobile aswell in a skieslope and it rolled over me and in to the woods, not a single thing happend to me that time just a wasted snowmobile. Same week i fel from the slopes and couldent stop untill i crashed in to some threes

no injuris
i could ride a motorcycle before i could ride a cycle (daddy gave us a 50cc cross) And my brother and i fought about who would ride it (he fought me i shhould say) And one time i sat on it and he held on to it and i gave full throttle and i let go, and i went right in to the rawsberry hedge... and it was (dont know the english name but we call it)"steelwire" and i went in to it with my throat first, BUT nothing happend

(just a red mark )
I have Broken 4 fingers and one armwrist one front tooth beaten out of my mouth (about 5 times untill they nailed it stuck) 2 rib´s My nose one time and my pinky toe (was after i worked night and woke up in the day and hitted my foot in some cast iron standing on the floor) The toe hurted like hell for 2 weeks and my foot was black and blue then green yellow!
i got one iron ingot hurled on my left foot (dont know if i broke it or not) but i could hardly walk for a week aswell.
I gor runned over by a 14 ton freight-train (some sort of a wagon) and almost fel in to the owen, hurted my leg but that was it, and last time i got hit in the head with an iron skewer, only a concussion and thats the only time i was really really scared, so i stayed home for a week.
You all think i am a cluts right ?
Am i ? my wife says i always get in to trouble and that i am careless. BUT i think like this, many times i should have been killed, so instead of being a cluts i must be the luckies man on earth .
So god must have a great plan for me ? (more likley i go furthur down then heaven) he hasent taken me Yet !
Yes iam bored at work, but soon we have a BBQ here and we get to eat.
Thanx Ade for the forum