RL first name: Inge (Picture will be added later

Age: 37
Sex: male
Country: Norway
Occupation: Work as a IT-coordinator on Oslo Gardermoen Airport
Kids: 2 boys (8 and 14 years old)
Hobbies: WoW, family, cars
Chars: Hellsbells, Hellsmage, Holydiver and Soulmaker
Favourite city: Amsterdam... so far

Haven't been in too many country's yet
Beer or wine?: naaah, i think i take some spirits
Dance or not?: rather not

i'm a really poor dancer...
Favourite instance: MC, have only been there a couple of times, but anyway it a cool place to be
And now a some words about Dwarfi..my oldest kid. Some of u have played with him and he consider to come back to Clown. He has an alt in Circus called Minimon
RL first name: Kim
Age: 14
Sex: male
Country: Norway
Occupation: Goes in the 9th grade
Hobbies: WoW, friends, girls?
Chars: Dwarfi, Minimon
Favourite city: not sure

have to ask him when he get's in...
Beer or wine?: hope not...yet

but know he like's Smirnoff Ice
Dance or not?: Think he dance's pretty well
Favourite instance: I think it is MC, but it might be Ony aswell