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Post subject: app form
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:17 PM
(priestify 60 human priest)
/w priestify, ginge, or hone ingame for more info or gear spec etc...)
im gunna make this quick and simple, i believe i can offer your guild alot:/ ive heard all the information about how you have been around for serveral year etc...
1. What is the name/class/level/spec/profession of your character?
the name of my charcter is priestify
the class is a human priest
the level is 60
the spec is 10/40/0
2. Why do you want to join CLOWN?
easy!! because i believe i can offer alot to your guild, although you only raid regualy ive heard that you are a very friendly bunch of people:D
3. Do you know a CLOWN member already? If so, who?
the priest class leade, he lead a random ZG raid before:D (ulfa or somethink)
4. How old are you?
im 19 nearly 20
5. Have you been in any other guilds?
i have been in faithless and a guild that DBed
6. If yes to Q5 which and why did you leave?
i have not left yet im looking for a better guild before leaveing, and they know about my situation.
7. What is your favourite colour?
(trick question or somethink) probaly red or black
8. Where and how did you hear about CLOWN?
through serveral people i have quested or instanced and even raidied with.
8. Why do you think there are 2 question eights?
dont have a clue:S a trick i gather=)
9. Pies - Good or Bad?
10. Do you have any other character(s)? If so, what class/lvl?
rogue 60
palidan 14
warrior 46
i look forward to hearing to you and hopefully my application is sucessfull:D
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The Lost
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Post subject: Re: app form
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:32 PM
well im from england but i can raid and be there any time you need me, hopefully it is ok from being english:D
priestify 60:D
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The Lost
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The Fool
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Post subject: app form
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 09:26 AM
Priestify wrote: |
i believe i can offer your guild alot:/ |
Perhaps you can show our other priests how to heal?
Thumbs up
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A curious clown
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Post subject: app form
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 09:54 AM
First of all! WE need more healers.
But there are things I like to point out.
I think we also need dedicated people for our guild. By that I mean people who going to stay in this guild and not “shop” around for new ones… This boy is in one guild while looking for a new one… that to me looks like someone who’s not “a true” Clown… But this might only be me..?
We don’t raid a lot, so we don’t get the chance to “gear” people up before they leave us…
I like to think of this guild as a friendly and helping guild.
So if our Bosses say aye to this player, I’m all for it
Adenas /blow...
_________________ Valleii – Human Rogue 60 (no guild)
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The Bloody
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Post subject: app form
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:43 AM
Sounds good to me, and yes we need healers.
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The Curious
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Post subject: app form
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 03:14 PM
Seems good to me, while I understand Berton's concerns and agree, I think it's an important fact that the guild he's in does in fact know that he's looking around for a "better" one.
The fact that he also knows our history and that we're a friendly bunch who arent all "hardcore" about their raiding tells me he hopefully wont expect anything unrealistic in that department (such as being able to gear up on phat loot quickly, which we're not able to do  ).
I say yes, he seems nice and polite if maybe slightly on the sane side for this guild, but I'm sure we'll find ways to erode that.
_________________ "In an hour of Darkness a blind man is the best guide. In an age of Insanity look to the mad man to show the way."
Last edited by Lithic on Thu Dec 21, 2006 03:14 PM; edited 1 times in total
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The Spirited
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Post subject: app form
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:11 AM
Again, he's pretty young, but we've had a few good 'younger people' so far, so I'd say give him a try
I do have to point this out though, as it made me smile:
Look at Lithic's or Berton's posts, then look at Priestify's post. And Priestify is English??
I dunno, kids these days are a disgrace to our country
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The Generous
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Post subject: app form
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 02:36 PM
I played with that guy but dont remember when...
I you realize were not hardcore guils and still want to join, take a try.
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The Worst
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Post subject: app form
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:04 AM
Are you funny? Are you dying often? Ain t you afraid of repair bills? Cool you might bring us a lto after all
Yet we have a new question 11 and 12:
11. do you like dutch poeple.
12. do you think Minimax is reprenstative of that class?
Be very carefull in your answers...
_________________ SPIRIT BUFF! GIMME SPIRIT BUFF and i can go to the core of hell and back alive! BRING IN THE CLOWNS! GERONIMOOOOOOOOOoooOoooOOoo
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The Musical
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Post subject: Re: app form
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:06 AM
14. Do you like me?
15. If not, why?
16. What's the matter with you?!!?!
Everybody loves the teddyBEAR!
I vote...
it's the best game ever
_________________ .::.UO97 : CS02 : WoW05.::.
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Post subject: Re: app form
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 01:27 PM
reply to your questions....
11. do you like dutch poeple,
i get on with all types of people i believe we all equal, and as long as they do what they are told:P
12. do you think Minimax is reprenstative of that class? hmm.. ive heard if minimax is he the mage or warlock, i cant rem, and dnt think he is reprenstative of that class
random questions
14. Do you like me? you seem cool, be quality to talk and quest / raid to gether now n den:D
15. If not, why?
16. What's the matter with you?!!?!
nothink lol:P
priestify 60 human priest
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The Worst
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