Your real name, or first name at least:
Hans Stefano
Your age:
Can’t remember it was so long ago ;P
Your sex:
Male… I think……
Your home country/town/city:
I’m borne and live in Norway in the capital Oslo. But my heart lies in Italy
Your occupation:
My education says I should have been a teacher, but I work for a American company that’s called CSC. My customer is SAS (the airline company, not the special forces ;P)
Your hobbies:
You name a hobby and I have been trying it out

Like to collect things from stamps to women…… ( err did I write that ;P) I love animals, but I don’t want any animal so much pain living with me in a city..
Some of your favorite things:
I love to be with friends, and when I was younger I had many visiting me and I made food for them, andf had a good bottle of wine (or more) with the food. Watching movies….. Love nature, but because of my health problems I have not been out in the mountains, woods and so on.. Love the sea also.
Your favorite drink:
A good bottle of red wine, like a Brunello di Montalciono or a good Amarone. But during the summer a good white wine is tasty too
Your favorite dungeon/game:
Played many good games during my life time… One I remember that liked the most when it came out was civilization the first game…. I like also as you have seen online games, been playing it since 97.
Your favourite city/country/holiday:
I have seen a lot of the world in my days… been in the states, china, Thailand, most of western Europe, need to see more of eastern Europe, and Russia. I liked all the places I have been, but my heart lies in Rome Italy
How you heard of CLOWN:
A fellow called Fjeld that introduced me to Clown in the beginning of this millennium.