Brits, Swedes, Dane, BAH ....WHere are those others that live where I do?
Where are those from the USA? I know we weren't the only ones. Or were we?
LOL....wonder how I ever got mixed up with a buncha CLOWNs?
Lets not go there
ROFLMAO I don't think I want to remeber how...maybe why? Nah don't want to remeber that either
LOL Maybe it was that drunkard CLOWN that let me place a vendor in CT? Maybe it was the gargoyles? No I remeber was my Nightmare that brought me to CLOWN
Actually I think it was Torin.
I also think half the CLOWNs know me as CLEO and the other half know me as Nemesis
WHen oh when will they come out with a game where we can play with you guys again *sigh*
well anyway welcome to all the CLOWN playing WOW that don't know me. If the rest of these lunies have accepted you then I will take their word for it that your CLOWN. Well only ones judgement I WILL QUESTION is AFFIE and then again I might question NEXXUS because he could never stay sobber and awake when he played with me

(Do I drive CLOWNs to drink? MMUUHHHHAAAAAA)
Love ya guys
Cleo/Nemesis...UO..98-03/ 04
LOL looking at those dates...I am a glutton for punishment aren't I