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The Bloody
Joined: Mar 17, 2006
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 11:36 PM
Its a nice game im many ways, I realy like to do raids with friends(clowns) its realy fun. Fun to reach new goals in diffrent instances and get new gear.
But atm I feel hey, new gear, great but in the next patch or addon something else will be better and the things I have wont be that good. Tried some PvP, hm have to farm for ages to get new gear and when I have the gear time for new patch, time to farm again.
Im not bored with the guild, just WoW as game, what I miss is a game where you can build your own guild town, make it the way the guild want, do it special, fight people that attack your town and its make a point when you PvP, not just grinding for ages for stuff that wont be any good after next patch. Feels like everyone are running around with the same gear, want something more special.
Think I will leave WoW for a while and try something new, not yet but when I find something that seems fun and special.
Just some thoughts
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Last edited by Saurz on Mon May 21, 2007 11:37 PM; edited 1 times in total
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The Musical
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 03:30 AM
you have reached the enlightment. Follow the path, I will show you the way.
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The Suicidal
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 07:11 AM
man i salute you !
To bad people dosent want to play Ultima, because you cand all the things u want there
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Quite a regular
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Post subject: Re: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 07:37 AM
Have some sympathy with Saurz, I did not play for two days last week and guess what I did'nt miss WoW at all. Its all the same no matter what level you are Quest..Grind..Quest..Grind. Agree with Pagor, Miss playing UO. I reactivated my SWG account last week and have spent a few hours rediscovering The Galaxy it aint the eye candy that WoW is or the adrenalin rushing buzz that you get chopping wood in Yew Forest in Felucca. But its different. My advice mate go do something different for a while then come back refreshed and with a different outlook. Whatever path you take best of luck.
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The Suicidal
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 07:56 AM
For the love of god, i hate leveling.... ! atleast within UO you gained skill not levels . Makes it alot more "funny" imo .
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The Rune
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Post subject: Re: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 08:07 AM
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The Bloody
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 08:30 AM
Atm I think its more fun to play low lvl chars, do some quests and just run around, when you reach 70 the never ending farm starts, for gear, for rep, for herbs, mining or whatever.
Think I will try Lord Of The Rings online, should be more story based, could be fun just to try one week or two
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The Loonie
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 09:11 AM
Hi there!
Totally agreeing with you Saurz. I have to say I'm quite tired of grinding too. Once you hit 70, the grind starts and it never stops. And as other player evolves, you end up in a never ending loop. For example, once Annie got almost ready with her stuff for tanking (clefthoof grind is far from fun) I heard I should grind for healing gears too  No offense taken as I understand that as players go up they tend to stick with the same "expertise", but ikt's definitiovely not my type of game. So I dropped a bit the levels 70 and restarted levelling with my lower levels. I have to recognize that it brought me some fun
On the other hand, I also realized that PvP server is probably not the best place to stay if you like leveling new toons. As other level 70 get bored, they end up in lower level areas, using their free time ganking greys. It kind of ruins the pleasure of leveling but I did choose for PvP at the begining  But as one said in the past "Only fools never change their minds". So I'm actually thinking about moving my chars to a normal server. PvP isn't that great here: fully related to gear, and thus to grind.
Let me know for LOTR. I saw it on the shelves and was wondering how it might be. From what I heard of it, it's a WOW like game, but not as good  So I'll wait a bit more before trying it.
Oh yes, I forgot: I do miss UO Clown Town concept too
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The Loonie
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 09:32 AM
Hey, in fact it seems interesting!
IGN Review here
I like their idea of PVP. Here the review text of PvP:
If you're the kind of player who lives only to slaughter players twenty levels below you, and then camp over their corpse, we've got news for you. First off, you're a bit of an a-hole. Secondly, you might not like the PvP system in LOTRO. There isn't one… as such. That is, you can't join a PvP server and fight anybody around you - you're all on the same side in LOTRO, so that wouldn't make sense.
However, to itch that player-killing scratch, LOTRO implements a unique feature called Monster Play. Once you hit level 10, a special port opens up, allowing you to take control of one of Sauron's evil minions. A level 50 evil minion, no less, although a level 50 Monster isn't as powerful as a level 50 player. You can then fight other players using their main characters - if they're brave enough to enter the designated PvP area called the Ettenmoors. Unfortunately, right now there aren't a lot of good guys of a high enough level for us to see what the Monster Play is really like. You'll have to wait for our second review in three months for a more detailed analysis.
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The Resourceful
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Post subject: Re: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:10 AM
Yeah take a break or even try a PVE server. You could make a horde and come over to Silvermoon and apply to the guild I joined. Very very similar to clowns but without all the drama and tantrums - lol  PVE server is great for gameplay - no ganking so you dont have that pressure of worrying about some 12 year old NE git rogue stabbing you
Mainly english, say 25% johny foreigners, and all mature, with families, wives, gf's etc. Extremely friendly, very very helpful. One of the best guilds i've ever been in
Not hard core atall - once a week Karazhan raid up to 2nd or 3rd boss, but do lots of regular runs in other instances.
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The One and Only
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 05:37 PM
I belive this to be a state of mind for MANy manY players in wow atm.
Its just the way it functions. You get all worked out at the expansion..-. You call in sick.. You stop poking your lover.. Crowbeard goes on TV.. etc etc where will it all end?
Good thing is that ppl take a leave in the way they do. Keep frustration away and just realise its time to start poking that lover again, go to work, kick Crowbeard out of the Tv etc etc it did end here
Am I drunk again? Yup. I think "leaving" wow means that you dont play every day for 4+ hours but instead you look in once-a-while and poke a horde and wipe in an instance you never been in before.. !!!
and btw. The children in STV is starving due to all war going on for many years now.. Send me 10g and I will send pies for the poor onces!!!
Ulf-i-boy out*
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The Bloody
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 05:52 PM
Tried LOTR some now, and yes I like it, nice views, nice music and good feeling.
What feels abit odd is that they have copy much of the interface from WoW, feels abit odd, maby just have to get used to it.
Im lvl 8 atm, dwarf warrior.
Not tried the crafting skill so much yet but I have armorsmith/tailoring/mining.
Horses you can buy at lvl 35, can travel by horse from start between bigger towns but its just a rent horse 
Animations are much smoother in WoW, guess its the cartoon grapich that does it.
Fun to try something new and travel around in areas from the books.
You get different rewards when you for ex. do all quests in an area and so on, with theese rewards you can improve your char in diffrent ways. You also get different titles when you do heroic things. When you reach the higher lvls in an area you do some quests that move the story forward and you move on to new areas.
Well im kinda split so far, fun to try something new, its not like WoW but still a good game.
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The Suicidal
Joined: Mar 26, 2006
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Post subject: Im a bit tired of WoW
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 07:05 AM
The only thing EVERYONE needs is.... "the thrill of experience something new"
Do you all remember your first time in UO ?
Ohh man i was so scared of dying... ! Heart rate UP, and almost not being able to leave a town due to fear of dying !
_________________ Bill Lee.
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