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I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
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The Mighty
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:02 PM
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As all ready have been said... load's of drama atm.

First of all...

I think lot of the drama comes from that we (= Clown) can't seperate the GUILD (wow made guild) and The community.

Guild and The community has ofc differnt goals.

The second...

I have already leaved Clown and Circus, so thats is now cleard.
I hope you enjoy it "Mr. Berton".

As the guild Clown (in WoW) is atm, I will never be a part of it anymore.
It's to childish, to many voice's that they think they can be Guild Master for the day... (And no I don't ment it to Saurz or Ulf, no offends to you 2 guy's, I like you a lot..)

Ofc my mind could change... but I don't see how that could happen atm.

And some clearyfications:

Exalted are not a part of Clown!! Clear up your mind "££$" and don't get out your madness of Exalted over the guild Clown.

And last:

This is my last "post" in forum under the section "World of Warcraft", I'm not a part of this section anymore.

I will still be around in section "CLOWN" "The community", have been a part of the community a long time... (could it be 9 year?!).

*Take a beer* (I will not, I disslike beer's I take something else) /cheer

PS, this is not a replay to you Corny, more like a all over statement from me, thougt it fit well in the disscussion in these tree. DS

Best regards

Michael (aka Levina WoW)
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The Fool
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Post Post subject: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:09 PM
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Pocket you're overreacting. The only reason to remove your characters is a vindictive one, and frankly it's not helpful. As a protest vote it's completely pointless as no-one is in a position to *do* anything about the "drama", however as an insult to those in CLOWN and Circus ingame it's pretty effective. Do you want to insult us, or do you want to work with us to resolve these (very very minor) problems?

Lets everyone calm down a bit over this.
- Exalted isn't the end of CLOWN-in-WoW, and certainly not the end of the CLOWN community. Exalted members are available to help CLOWNs via channel pie - no differently to when they helped out when in CotH and other guilds.
- Exalted has taken a few of the more active CLOWN-in-WoW players, who will have less time to play with CLOWN-in-WoW as a result, but will probably nevertheless make the effort so it's not as big a disaster as you may think.
- Exalted have a bloody stupid recruitment policy. Even people in Exalted think so. If you've been turned down by them, well, frankly I don't care. Don't blame CLOWN-in-WoW as it's nothing to do with us. By all means whinge on their forums.
- Raiding is on hold until most people are 70. When they are, we will see how we stand and do what is necessary.
- There are plans afoot to resolve this situation but the people making them are making them veerrrrry sloooowwwly. Perhaps they're busy levelling, or really don't care too much, or the plans have a lot to think about, or a lot of people are being consulted - I don't know, but on the balance of things I don't think it's too urgent.

Adenas admin, eater of pies.
WoW: (Retired) Adenas, Tuone, Sain, Niyra
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The Reckless
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 01:44 PM
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Adenas wrote:
By all means whinge on their forums.

I wanted to have a look at the Exalted forums but to my surprise all the forums are locked with passwords exept for the application forum, so no forum trolling for me.

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The Fool
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Post Post subject: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 02:25 PM
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Adenas wrote:
however as an insult to those in CLOWN and Circus ingame it's pretty effective. Do you want to insult us, or do you want to work with us to resolve these (very very minor) problems?

I said "insult" in my previous post, which in retrospect is a poor choice of words as we all know you don't intend to insult us. "Upset" would be a much more descriptive term.

Just felt I had better clear this up.

Adenas admin, eater of pies.
WoW: (Retired) Adenas, Tuone, Sain, Niyra
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The Dark
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 02:30 PM
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Corny this is direct reply to you !

Your application to Exalted was NOT rejected because someone i Exalted do not like you - tbh most in Exalted knows you very well and actually likes you alot, and some of us have even had the pleassure of gaming with you in previous games ...

The reason your application got rejected was purely due to your skill/behaviour in a speficic raid - the Clown/Coth/Exalted ZG raid january 9th 2007.
You was playing as hunter, and you did ask for advice on what to do with the different mobs/bosses several times during the raid (which there's nothing wrong with), but each time you did the opposite of what was proposed to you. But worst part was on the panther boss, where you asked if it was ok to go tame some beast somewhere in ZG - and you was answered "No this is not the best time - we're in a raid you know" and poof off you went to tame some beast - you died ofc (who wanders on their own in ZG trying to tame anyway) and left a prepared raid of 19 people who was about to start a go on the boss when you took off taming, waiting for you for appox 20 mins, before you had corpse run back to instance, ressed and found your way to the raid again ... Such behavior will not be tolerated in any serious raiding guild, nor Exalted !

That is why your application got rejected, and i was the one voting no ! It's not because i don't like you as a person, that behaviour in a raid is just not suitable for an endgame raiding guild imo ... It may have been just a bad call from you that specific day or you may even have overlooked what was typed to you all the times, but there is no doubt in my mind that you was aware of you made 19 other people wait on you, and it didn't followed with a "sorry guys" from you ...

To the rest of you who keeps these threads alive, if you really wishes all the best for Clown wow-guild, leave it to rest now and grab another beer followed by a snaps !

- chacun à son goût -
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 04:44 PM
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Demos wrote:
Corny this is direct reply to you !

Your application to Exalted was NOT rejected because someone i Exalted do not like you - tbh most in Exalted knows you very well and actually likes you alot, and some of us have even had the pleassure of gaming with you in previous games ...

The reason your application got rejected was purely due to your skill/behaviour in a speficic raid - the Clown/Coth/Exalted ZG raid january 9th 2007.
You was playing as hunter, and you did ask for advice on what to do with the different mobs/bosses several times during the raid (which there's nothing wrong with), but each time you did the opposite of what was proposed to you. But worst part was on the panther boss, where you asked if it was ok to go tame some beast somewhere in ZG - and you was answered "No this is not the best time - we're in a raid you know" and poof off you went to tame some beast - you died ofc (who wanders on their own in ZG trying to tame anyway) and left a prepared raid of 19 people who was about to start a go on the boss when you took off taming, waiting for you for appox 20 mins, before you had corpse run back to instance, ressed and found your way to the raid again ... Such behavior will not be tolerated in any serious raiding guild, nor Exalted !

That is why your application got rejected, and i was the one voting no ! It's not because i don't like you as a person, that behaviour in a raid is just not suitable for an endgame raiding guild imo ... It may have been just a bad call from you that specific day or you may even have overlooked what was typed to you all the times, but there is no doubt in my mind that you was aware of you made 19 other people wait on you, and it didn't followed with a "sorry guys" from you ...

To the rest of you who keeps these threads alive, if you really wishes all the best for Clown wow-guild, leave it to rest now and grab another beer followed by a snaps !

hahahaha whatever you say demos he was acting like a true Loonie !!!!!!!

aahhahahahahaha go tame during a raid ahhahahahahhahahaha

Bill Lee.


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The Charming
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 06:05 PM
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Hallo lovly Ladies - *handkissing*, hi to the rest ... Smile

Sorry for interfereing here ...

But now everyone hold breath and calm down!

For thoose, who dont know me: I was one of thoose good "old" UO players. But when i left UO, i never had the time again (cause of growing family and new job) to start another RPG Online Game.

Now my 5 cents:
All this is similiar, as it was in UO at the end times. Exalted/WoW = SoC (Shadows of CLOWNs)/UO.

Trikae got the point in this post: CLOWN is a community not just a guild.

Once you joined clown, you allways are a CLOWN, even if you have "left" guild, even if you dont play the same game anymore like the others. The heart plays the circus music for ever .

The problem is the playstyle: Some are hardcore players and know exactly what to cast, when to cast. Others just wanna have fun.

One cant get all under the same hat. - But still you can all play in the same house (in different chambers) in the same World (of Warcraft). (<- this goes for Corny)
And on the other hand: you shouldnt be forbidden to change the rooms from time to time. - Why not invite thoose, from the other rooms more often, may be then they can learn your style of playing the game, and join your fun. - Even if you dont wear the same coulored hat. You can play together. (<- this goes for Demos)

You both know me very well and i played with you both your style:
And let me tell you Demos: The time, when i played with Corny and his style it was the funniest in my UO time. - I laughed tears...
And Corny let me tell you: The time i played with Demos was the excitings time in UO i had.
And now to both: You both will never be able to play longer then just 1 day together in a month, you are to different. - But you should try it from time to time.
Dont close the doors between the rooms (i nay say you have to place there a swing door in) - Just make a open window in the middle of the door, so that the other can see in your room. And invite the other from time to time. He needs not to rule your room, but let him play with your toys and friends.

Ok, nuff said.

Now its time for whine! - Wine! - Ever saw a CLOWN drink beer?

Nay! - Wine.



PS: If someone plays Battlefield 2142. Im the one with the CLOWN tag infront of my name. - CU

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The Elder
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Post Post subject: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 06:09 PM
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And that my friends, is a god damn fantastic post!

/target Torin

Very Happy


------------------------------------------------- I just love CLOWN! *thud* -------------------------------------------------
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The Spirited
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Post Post subject: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 06:15 PM
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Well said Torin - as usual Very Happy

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The Generous
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 06:56 PM
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Demos wrote:
Corny this is direct reply to you !

Your application to Exalted was NOT rejected because someone i Exalted do not like you - tbh most in Exalted knows you very well and actually likes you alot, and some of us have even had the pleassure of gaming with you in previous games ...

The reason your application got rejected was purely due to your skill/behaviour in a speficic raid - the Clown/Coth/Exalted ZG raid january 9th 2007.
You was playing as hunter, and you did ask for advice on what to do with the different mobs/bosses several times during the raid (which there's nothing wrong with), but each time you did the opposite of what was proposed to you. But worst part was on the panther boss, where you asked if it was ok to go tame some beast somewhere in ZG - and you was answered "No this is not the best time - we're in a raid you know" and poof off you went to tame some beast - you died ofc (who wanders on their own in ZG trying to tame anyway) and left a prepared raid of 19 people who was about to start a go on the boss when you took off taming, waiting for you for appox 20 mins, before you had corpse run back to instance, ressed and found your way to the raid again ... Such behavior will not be tolerated in any serious raiding guild, nor Exalted !

That is why your application got rejected, and i was the one voting no ! It's not because i don't like you as a person, that behaviour in a raid is just not suitable for an endgame raiding guild imo ... It may have been just a bad call from you that specific day or you may even have overlooked what was typed to you all the times, but there is no doubt in my mind that you was aware of you made 19 other people wait on you, and it didn't followed with a "sorry guys" from you ...

To the rest of you who keeps these threads alive, if you really wishes all the best for Clown wow-guild, leave it to rest now and grab another beer followed by a snaps !

This is my first and i hope last reply on this subject.

Does anyone remember this ?
Does the Raidleader of this ZG remember if this happends like this?

Corny didnt left because of the exalted thing (if you read carefully the posts you will see it) but because of a certain "way of playing and spirith" in Pie.

Corny is indeed a Lunnie but never had any problem when raiding with COTH. Strange but true, he can be serious (after all, he have a job with responsabilitiesà even if most of time he looks for fun.
Anyway, ill make no more comment except LOL Pagor.

"What would i do for a Pie?"

Last edited by Autowash on Wed Jan 24, 2007 07:01 PM; edited 2 time in total
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The Loonie
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 07:12 PM
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Demos wrote:
Corny this is direct reply to you !
[... blablabla..., please don't take any offense, it's just supposed to gain some place]

Till now I never used names or even talked about this ZG even... Why? Because it's pure BS, nothing else to state about it Smile I asked RL about going for a pet (mine was bugged and getting wild all the time, which didn't seem very interesting) and was told by many others that it was ok as most went on an AFK break (I think one even went for pizza while other rez'ed at spirit to go get repairs... which proved stupid afterwards as Sequel had a repair bot) . For info, it was just after a wipe and wa had to walk back. I tried thus once to get a pet omw (hunters will understand where it is). I didn't loose my way Smile Then I was summoned for... a longer wait of 10 minutes as the afk were still not back for their break (that was also announced and accepted, so it didn't make me angry though I probably would have had a pet). Please stop this stupid point that I already heard for my turn down. Anyway noone of the ones stating this (as you use facts I'll used it too), in other words you and Alessi, ever said in game that it was not going to be a good idea. Or even talked about it later. For me it's just pointless, cheap, uninteresting.

The so many questions are about 4 I think, like "First time doing ZG with hunter, might need some feedback on what to use", "What sting should I use on this boss?", "Is this items interesting for hunters too?" (was a + attack item). They were adressed via tells to the person. I one time didn't use the correct sting because I just mixed up, meaning we both used mana. I did apologize for it and correct it. When I look back, I would say I would never try to be social with someone I don't know anylonger (here Alessi). What I got after that was "Hey, he was asking things to me". Next time I'll just be asking Auto that can pretty good play a hunt... But that's a lesson I'll have to live with, though I honestly think it's a shame...

Anyway, considering this, I think it might have been more constructive to think about your reasons before ejecting someone out. "He did once something that seems strange". Did you check it? Not... Did you ask the other? Not again... So you just base your feelings on something wrong but I have to pay the price for it. Now you try to use some explanation (know by me and discussed with others for quite some time) supposed to make it all right... Euuuh... Not agreeing at all. In fact I think you weren't even there. Panther boss... Hmmmm... Yes, the one riding that raptor right? LOL Smile Not a single word was said about this on TS! Very Happy

How come I never had one message from you? How come you just post here something that all should look at and say "Ooooh, baaad Corny!". I state your post: "but there is no doubt in my mind that you was aware of you made 19 other people wait on you, and it didn't followed with a "sorry guys" from you ...". That a serious accusation, low, in fact I can't find the words Smile At least I would have given you a chance, contacted you in game or via message to say "I'm a bit dubious because of...". You just didn't... I think you're one the the only ones that never said a word to me after turning me down Very Happy And some people considered that it was just something against me as it seemed so strange as reason. And now you come and you post this...

I had serious grief on you and Alessi on this. To judge me on so few after playing so long was a real insult for me... How many times did you play with Annabella? Or Cryon? Did they ever made something wrong? Now honestly, I don't care. I stepped down and I feel really far away of this. But I just don't think it's honest to use invalid arguments to toss someone out and then come here and show it like its the truth, trying to make all other think I'm the big bad guy here.

I also think probably both of you didn't realise that it would hurt me so much to vote "no" and get me out of something where you were inviting some of my close friends. One of you just clicked afetr a 2 secs thinking and the other followed. I don't judge you, and I don't have hard feelings. I had but it's gone. So have a good game! In the future just give someone the word before judging. It really helps...

Peace out for the others.
No hard feelings here.

For me this post can be closed as it just turned now to a personal accusation with has nothing to do with the problem I was explaining about the actual spirit in the guild, and explaining why I would leave (thx Auto for remembering this). I'm still convinced of what I wrote...

/signing out
Corny The Cooled Down

Last edited by Corny_The_Loonie on Thu Jan 25, 2007 08:35 AM; edited 9 time in total
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The Loonie
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 07:16 PM
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Torin wrote:

TORIIIIN!!!!!! CALL ME!!!! Want to see you!!!!!!

So happy to see this post from you!!!!!!

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The Musical
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Post Post subject: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 07:16 PM
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I like this, easier not to play Wink

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The Pieeating
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Post Post subject: Re: I take my leave from CLOWN (at least for a while)
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 01:57 PM
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He tried to get a pet so he was shunned??? Damn, I play a warlock, what if I tried to get a soul shard??? THE HORROR!!

If thats the way Exalted judges people they can take a few Shamen totems and shove them up their yahoos for all I care. What a bunch of petty crap IMHO. Nasty

And yes, gimme a BEER!! 2 man down

Ok, here is one technique for those of you wondering: Sit on your hands until they fall asleep, then you can do what I like to call "the Stranger". LOL ...what....WHAT??? Shocked Shocked

Gives thy a finger Gives thy a finger

Gimme Pie!
WoW ~ EU Skullcrusher Alliance
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