1. What is the name/class/level/spec/profession of your character?
Killerking/Warrior/60/Fury (but can and will change to protection if it's needed.)/using disenchant to sell dusts etc.
2. Why do you want to join CLOWN?
because i think it's a nice guild and have nice members and i want to do high level instance much more than i do now.
3. Do you know a CLOWN member already? If so, who?
well.... no
4. How old are you?
5. Have you been in any other guilds?
i've got 4 guilds of my own and i've been in 5 guilds before but no real high lvl guild.
6. If yes to Q5 which and why did you leave?
because of all spam in the guilds and all people who uses caps and too less people online
7. What is your favourite colour?
blue/lime green
8. Where and how did you hear about CLOWN?
i said clown in general and a guy asked me if i wanted to join then i should go here.
8. Why do you think there are 2 question eights?
because this one doesn't count, or perhaps the admin can't count

9. Pies - Good or Bad?
good >:]
10. Do you have any other character(s)? If so, what class/lvl?
yes, 40mage, 43 rogue, 29 druid, 27 priest, 42 hunter, 50 warrior and some around lvl 15