Xasa:31-Aug-201616:43:03 Arr, on Defias Brotherhood atm.. Skullcrusher was extremely empty! ;O
Gloom:29-Aug-201620:07:42 Yeah, a few of us are on Frostmane
Xasa:24-Aug-201607:09:15 Nostalgia beats funcionality though! Any plans to play Legion? Been enjoying the World of Warcraft past month again, 12 year breaks brings back the flame.
Gloom:04-Aug-201612:18:15 Took a while to figure out the admin stuff (we really need a new site..)
"So all know tactics?"
"No" multiple replies
"Ok, hmm..... so this boss"
".....well in phase 1 we need to......."
".......can we just all go watch the video, it's complicated" (Ahero typing tactics to Mimiron)